Thank you for visiting The Mindful Fight, website for blogger, photographer, and author Danielle Larsen.
Here you’ll find my ongoing blog of the same name where I talk about everything from mental health to book processes to general life shenanigans. There are also pages featuring my photography and details on my memoir, From Voiceless To Vocal. Take a look around and hit me up with any comments, questions, or concerns.
Mind full or mindful? How do you approach life?
We all have demons we're fighting.
How you choose to do so is up to you.
Photography has always been a part of my life
Take a look at the gallery
to see some of my favorite shots.
My memoir From Voiceless To Vocal
is available now from multiple sites!
Don’t forget: reviews help authors!

Danielle is a blogger, photographer, and author. When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her cat, reading, or catching up on her favorite shows. Find out more here!