Starting over fresh, but not entirely new
Welcome to the new blog!
With the book out (psst… check out the book page), I figured it was time to make the blog a little more professional. Don’t worry, though, I’ll still be sharing the same content as before… just new and shiny. All previously written blog posts have been imported so if there’s something you’re looking for, it will be here.
Those that have been following along with this blog for a while may be asking, “Why? I thought you wanted to write anonymously.” Well, those people would be right. After what happened back in June, I wanted to hide. I changed the entire blog over, started writing under a pseudonym, and even made a separate twitter account just for the blog. I was worried about it being found and having the things I was saying used against me.
However, shortly after all of that happened, I began writing the book. Sure, when I first started writing it, it was only for me. I never could have imagined that just 5 short months later it would be published. I thought about writing the book under the same pseudonym, but the more I got into it, the less I wanted to do that. I knew that if I was telling my story, I wanted to do it as me… and no one was going to be able to stop me from doing that.
I didn’t want to hide anymore. I wanted to say to the world, “This is me. This is my life. This is my story.” I wasn’t going to let me fear keep me from doing that.
Once I made that decision, and especially once the book was out, the fear started to slip away. I spent the summer confronting everything that I’ve been through, reliving my stories over and over again, and I did it with the hope that my story can help someone else.
So, here I am. No more hiding. Maybe I’m challenging the universe by doing this, and if so, then all I have to say is…
If you have any suggestions or recommendations about the new site, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. This is all new and something that may change over time, but I wanted to make my blog accessible for those that enjoy it. I’m hoping that’s something I’ve been able to do.
- Danielle