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Everything you’re about to read is based on my own experience. It may be a personal take on something, a way to cope, or a helpful anecdote. Read on and let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to write about.

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Letting people in
Mental health Danielle Mental health Danielle

Letting people in

In one of my early posts at the start of this blogging journey, I posed a question: What does depression look like? I then went on to describe what depression looks like in me and what people tend to perceive depression to be and so on. I think using this platform early on to talk openly and candidly about my mental health has really helped to share my personal experience in a very transparent way. I’ve been really open about my struggles and even if no one really reads these posts, like I said in my very first blog in October 2019, it exists as a “living memoir” of where I am at any given time.

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