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Everything you’re about to read is based on my own experience. It may be a personal take on something, a way to cope, or a helpful anecdote. Read on and let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to write about.

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Grey November, I’ve been down since July…
Mental health Danielle Mental health Danielle

Grey November, I’ve been down since July…

Over the last 2 years, I have worked extremely hard on my healing journey. Sure I tackled a lot of the big traumas while writing the book, but it was the little ones that have had a larger impact. The ones that seemed insignificant in the moment or, maybe were significant, but became deeply buried through the years that I had nearly forgotten about them. When I wrote this post back in July I didn’t think that 4 months later I would still be affected by the episode that occurred - but here we are.

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What lies beneath
Mental health Danielle Mental health Danielle

What lies beneath

Recently I wrote about my healing journey and the steps I’ve taken to overcome all of my trauma. While I know there are certain things that will never leave me, the more I process, the easier it gets. But what happens to those things that stay buried? And I’m not even talking about the vault memories that I have no access to. I mean those deep-rooted traumas that wouldn’t come up in a normal every day situation. When those get triggered, it’s a whole different ballgame.

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PTSD & Triggers
Mental health Danielle Mental health Danielle

PTSD & Triggers

**Trigger warning: this post will talk about triggers for various things. If you are easily triggered, please proceed with caution or just skip this post** Last night I was forced to sleep on my couch. This has happened more times than I can count in the last couple of years but it wasn’t until last night that I realized why it bothered me so much. Sure anyone is going to be annoyed if they can’t sleep in their own bed in their own apartment, but for me it’s more than that. Having to sleep on the couch, I realized, is a trigger for me. When I was with my ex I spent many nights on the couch for various reasons. If I couldn’t sleep I went out to the living room to avoid waking him up. If we were fighting I was often the one who slept out there… and so on.

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